Monday, October 20, 2008

Fat Leg

Adaela has chubby legs. She is a breastfed baby and Mom must make really good milk, no studies have been done, but, it maybe close to ice cream. Lord knows her mom has eaten enough ice cream in her life :).

At her four month check up the pediatrician noticed one of her chubbo legs was slightly chubbier than the other. Honestly, with multiple rolls on both legs, I had never noticed. The doctor explained this could mean one of her hips was out of the socket and suggested we get an xray.

I worked on not panicking, and took her in a for an xray. Adaela had a great time, smiled at all the nurses, and proceeded to pee on the xray table as soon as I removed her diaper. That's my girl. Of course the technician could tell me nothing and we waited.

Thankfully, our doctor called and said both hips were in the sockets. This was a blessing, as the doctor said she would have had to wear a harness if one hip had been out. A harness and a wiggly four month old did not sound like fun.
But, the doctor told us the radiologist thought one hip may have been slightly smaller than the other and suggested we go to a pediatric orthopedic doctor. Ok, now I am starting to get a little worried. She was only four and a half months old and she had already had an xray and needed to see a "specialist."

So, a week later, we made an appointment, packed up the xrays and the baby, and headed to the orthopedic doctor's office. The office was a lot of fun, as it served only kids. Once again, Adaela flirted with everyone in the office, I have no idea where she may have picked up this trait :).

The doctor was great. He wore an "operation" tie and had a great time playing with Adaela. He carefully examined her xrays. He took out a protractor and drew on them. He was silent. I was worried. Then, he said "Do you breastfeed?" I answered "Yes, she has never had formula."

He laughed to himself and said "She is fine. Nothing is wrong with her hip. She just has chubby legs. Breastfed babies usually get pretty chubby." And that was it. He said we did not need to come back.

So, after xrays, an orthopedic appointment, and hours of worry, she was fine every chubby inch of her. Adaela simply had a case of the fat leg.


Anonymous said...

I am pro her chubness.

Kristina said...

It's just a testament that mommies who have chubby babies make the BEST babies!!!

I love your chubby legs, Adaela! I wanna pinch them! :)


Anonymous said...

I think it is a gift, really. There is more of her to go around when you just take one look at her and need to instantly eat her up!

~m said...

ha! I love this story. My babe is developing her own crazy chub legs & think of you & lil A every time I fawn over them.

Chub on, lil A! There's just the right amount of you to cuddle & love!