Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I have been thinking of time lately. More specifically moments. I was remembering how I met certain friends at certain times. I remembered "the moment" with Sara. I was very upset in a parking lot. I was 18, far from home, and embarrassed by all my feelings. Sara, being the kind soul she is, knew I needed her, maybe she knew somewhere deep inside that we would always need each other. So, she stayed with me in that parking lot. I just wanted her to leave, but she knew better. Thank God she did. That was an important moment for me.

I also remembered when Misty and I truly "met" each other. We had always shared a home town, and many friends. We had heard of each other from these mutual friends. But, one night I was meeting an old friend in NYC for dinner. He brought Misty along. Something clicked and I didn't see him for a 6 months and saw Misty almost every week. It was the right time. Now she is one of my dearest and closest friends. That was an big moment.

The true moment that spurred this post was the moment I met Andy. It was the summer after I finished college. We were in Colorado at a training in the mountains. He was talking to a group of people. I approached the group and heard him say he was from Indiana. Being my usual self, I interrupted with much gusto and said "Oh, I have been to Indiana, I went to a fall festival in Evansville!" He turned looked at me and said "great" and then turned around and kept talking (in true Andy form). I was so taken aback and SO angry.
That was it. The moment that would change my life in more ways than I will ever know. If I only knew that that was the moment I met my husband, my great love. And now, nothing will ever be the same.

And then, now there is a new life changing moment......This one......
The moment I met my daughter. There really aren't words for this moment. Only tears, love, prayers, smiles, and gratefulness.
What a gift, all these moments

Ps. I love this picture of her, her first portrait moments after she was born. It is so her :)


Anonymous said...

I love our Asian babies!

Leslie Amick said...

Ah, yes Sam, and our Asian babies love you.

Kristina said...

I have a moment! When we found out that we were both pregnant around the same time. I knew I had found a wonderful person to share this experience with. (Even though our friendship moment happened LONG ago! This was our Mommy moment!) :)

Love you.

Leslie Amick said...

oh Kristina that was a special one, our Mommy Moment.

~m said...

oh, les. I will forever be thanking whatever the gods that be that our paths have crossed. The universe knew I would need you, and then there you were!

I know I'm a better person because of you. And I love you and your little family (even Andy! :) ) with all my heart - and always will. (even Andy!)

see you in a couple months!

Leslie Amick said...

Misty, we are so glad you love us too, especially Andy :) We definitely could not make it with out some Misty, Sam, and Samaire in our lives.

Can't wait to see you!